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First partners introduced themselves briefly. Then the project activities were overviewed.
Partners scheduled the kick-off meeting and the survey application process.

Each partner made two presentations one of which introduced the partner institution and the other intoroduce the partner-specific tasks. Then the project management was handled in detail.
Partners planned and scheduled the WP2 process.

Partners discussed the survey applciation process and the workshops' planning.
Partners scheduled the survey applications and workshop organisations.

The project team had impressions that the students were motivated to give their time for sustainable green development activities.

All interested academics and NGO representatives are invited to the meeting where the rector of ÇOMÜ and Assoc Prof Dr Erdal Eroğlu will present the project objectives.
The meeting will be held at 14.30 in the Foyer Area located in the new waterfront in Çanakkale.

We discussed the curriculum module structure and revised the survey and workshop results to clarify the module titles.
Although our initial plans to prepare 3 modules, the survey and workshop results led us to prepare it in 4 modules.

We revised the video preparation process together with all partners. Participants from University of Lodz participated in the meeting online.
To prepare our guidebook, we planned the data collection process in 3 different sessions with students, NGOs and university representatives separately. The meeting was very productive and the cultural activities let us learn about the history of Bucharest and Romania.