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Marián Tóth
doc. Ing. PhD.
Marian Toth is an associate professor of agricultural economics and policy analysis at the Slovak University of Agriculture.
In his research, he focuses on agricultural policy analysis, the economics of farms, and political economy. He has published
articles in peer-reviewed journals focusing on agricultural economics, food and agricultural policy effects.

Ján Pokrivčák
prof. Ing. PhD.
Jan Pokrivcak is a professor of agricultural economics and policy analysis at the Slovak University of Agriculture. Currently, He focuses in his research on agricultural policy analysis, food security, environmental effects of agricultural policy and political
economy. He is the head of the Institute of Economic Policy and Finance at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.

Mária Borbélyová
Administrative Staff
Mária Borbélyová is an administrative employee at FEM of The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. She completed her doctoral degree in Economics and Management of Agriculture and Food Processing. She participated on the project financed by EU “Introducing, resp. extension of study programmes in cooperation with foreign universities”. She is experienced in project documentation

Erdal Eroğlu
assoc prof dr
Erdal Eroğlu is an Associate Professor in the Finance Department of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. He has articles on budget, financial planning, local governments, governance, green economy, and participation. In addition, he has many scientific projects on active participation, budget literacy, and sustainable green campus.

Didem Sygın
assoc prof dr
Didem Saygın is an assistant professor in the Public Administration Department at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science at Biga. Her specialities are the EU-Turkey relationship, EU law, EU and civil society, EU institutions and European Parliament. She is also engaged in research on environmental issues.

Kendal Deniz
Research Assistant
Kendal Deniz is a research assistant in Department of Fiscal Law in Department of Finance at ÇOMÜ. He mostly works on tax law and public procurement law in the digitalization process. He works as the relations coordinator of Public Institutions at the Financial Research Association. Some of his skills are teamwork, management skills, and law and finance.

Yağmur Ekim Yılmaz
Research Assistant
Yağmur Ekim Yılmaz is a research assistant in the Department of Legal Sciences in the Department of Public Administration at ÇOMÜ. She worked as a trainee lawyer at Ankara Bar Association for 8 months. She continues her postgraduate education at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Department of Public Law. She has Ankara University’s English for Lawyers and EU Basic Education Certificates.

Alexandra Ioanid
assoc prof dr
Alexandra Ioanid is a Senior Lecturer at University Politehnica of Bucharest; since 2014 editor and reviewer for several scientific journals and conferences, manager of a business international conference held every two years. She wrote more than 10 books and book chapters and almost 100 papers in ISI Thomson Reuters and other international databases, most
of which as first author.

Bojana Olgić Draženović
Assoc Prof Dr
Bojana Olgić Draženović is an associate professor and head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka. Her research focuses on financial markets and institutions, pension systems and sustainable finance. She has published over 50 scientific articles and led several scientific projects. She is very committed to promoting financial literacy.

Mirjana Grčić Fabić
PhD, Associate Professor
Mirjana Grčić Fabić is an Associate Professor and the head of Department of Entrepreneurial Economics at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka. Her research interest is entrepreneurship, especially startup entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystem, innovation, business models and social entrepreneurship. She teaches several courses on entrepreneurship and management.

Dejan Miljenović
Dejan Miljenović is an assistant professor at Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka. As a social economist, he specialises in Corporate Social Responsibility and environmental sustainability. He is a visiting professor at University of Ljubljana and University of Koper in Slovenia at courses related to Sustainability Management and
Contemporary Entrepreneurship.

Jozef Ridzoň
Jozef Ridzoň is working as a conservation manager in SOS/BirdLife Slovakia and he is responsible for the evaluation of bird monitoring in Slovak ornithological society. He conducted projects on habitat restoration, sustainable use of restored habitats. He is head of the Slovak NGO coalition Agro-ekoforum, promoting sustainable practices in agricultural use, biodiversity and nature protection.

Mariusz E. Sokołowicz
Assoc Prof Dr
Mariusz E. SOKOŁOWICZ, Urbanist-economist, exploring urban and regional economies to improve their performance (ORCID). Assoc. professor at the UL. Member of Regional Studies Association, European Regional Science Association, Society of Polish Urban Planners, Ukrainian Academy of Economic Sciences. Author of over 80 publications. Chair of Regional Economy and Environment Lab at UL

Magdalena Michalak
Dr Magdalena Michalak is an expert in environmental protection law and European law. She completed two Master’s degrees – the first one at the UL, Faculty of Law and Administration, with a specialization in environmental law and the second one at the University of Tours (France), Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, with a specialization “European Lawyer”.

Agnieszka Rzeńca
Agnieszka Rzeńca, Department of Regional Economy and Environment, Institute of Spatial Economics, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz. She specializes in economics and environmental protection. Her scientific interest concerns environmental economics, especially in sustainable development issues. Her research concentrates on challenges for urban development and policy,

Ewelina Stasiak
Ewelina Stasiak is an assistant at the Department of Regional Economics and Environment of the University of Łódź. Graduate of Spatial Economy at UL in two specialties: management in public sector and urban/regional management. Doctoral student of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance at UL. Her research interests focus on local government and socio-economic development.

Elif Anda
Educational Supervisor
Elif Anda is and educational supervisor and responsible for international relations in Mellis Ed-Tech with an experience in English teaching and got a degree in English and Chemistry Education. She worked as an editor and coursebook writer in several publishing houses. Her interest areas include language teaching and learning, and innovative educational methods and techniques.

Caner Anda
COMPANY Executive
Caner Anda brings 4 years of experience in the Ed-Tech industry to his role at Mellis Ed-Tech. He leverages his expertise in project management to develop and implement innovative learning solutions. Beyond his professional pursuits, he is deeply committed to environmental protection and actively promotes sustainable practices, scout, and social entrepreneurship.